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Personal Accident Insurance

What is Personal Accident Insurance?

Personal accident insurance provides financial protection against unexpected accidents that may result in bodily harm, disability, or even death. It offers coverage for medical expenses, lost income, and other related costs that may arise due to an accident.

Key Features:

1. Accidental Death Benefit: Pays a lump sum to the beneficiary in the event of the policyholder’s death due to an accident.
2. Permanent Disability Benefit: Provides a lump sum or annuity if the policyholder becomes permanently disabled due to an accident.
3. Temporary Disability Benefit: Covers lost income due to temporary disability caused by an accident.
4. Medical Expenses: Reimburses medical costs incurred due to an accident.
5. Hospitalization Benefit: Pays a daily allowance for each day spent in the hospital due to an accident.